10 Summer Health Tips – A Natural Way to Better Living

On a budget? Need some great summer health tips that are free, simple and easy for you and your whole family!? Health is important and shouldn’t cost a lot. Everyone should have the opportunity to eat well, take care of their body inside and out. Some great tips on health are things you can do at home everyday and sharing them with your family. Without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on skin care, foods, health clubs and such here are 10 Summer time Health Tips for you to enjoy:
Sensible Diet – A sensible diet is the first tip for a healthy you year around. Not just summertime, but through out the holidays as well. A healthy diet consists of high fiber, low fats and a suitable amount of fruits and vegetables. Besides knowing how, when and what to eat, it is just as important to know your proportions for each individual. Keep your calories in a normal range and cut out foods that are “dead” – no nutritional value. Those Doritos will just have to wait! Remember everything in moderation not over indulgence.
Eat different foods everyday – Switch it up so that you keep it interesting and don’t be afraid to try new things. According to the Ayurveda, the old Indian science of healing, the rotation of its nutritional habits not only fortifies the immunological system, but can also can protect you from the majority of the diseases. Wheat grass for example, not the first thing you may think of in the morning, however, wheat grass set your body into an alkaline state which makes disease and disorders struggle to survive. Shake it up and try new things in your diet that you might otherwise think to try. You might just find a new fav!
Don’t Skip Breakfast! Skipping breakfast not only sets your body up for struggle from the start of the day, but a fresh energy source allows you to start out on the right foot. Balancing blood sugar levels, cleansing your body from toxins that might have built up overnight, and eating in regular intervals will allow you to balance weight better. Cereals, oatmeal, fruits and water with lemon are great starts to anyone’s day.
Water- 8 glasses a day! We have all heard it a million times, and it still rings true. Drink your water! The water not only cleanses your body of toxins, but it also nourishes your internal organs and helps them to function better. Your whole body benefits from water and really needs it to survive. So stop being lethargic and dehydrated.
Exercise regularly – Walking, running, yoga, stretching, weights, anything you can think of to get your body moving. Doing physical activity not only helps your circulation, reduces bad fats and keeps your body detoxed, it also helps with anti aging and healthy skin. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride you bike or walk instead of drive. Any activity you can do to increase your blood flow, you are helping your self to become healthier.
Do not smoke – You know it. Smoking causes cancer and it quite unhealthy. So… find a way to stop, talk to your Dr and get healthy!
Reduce your Stress – Reducing your stress level will help you to live longer and help you to be healthier in lots of ways. Stress causes disorders, disease and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Find ways in each day to eliminate stress. Read, sit quietly, breathe, workout, anything that will help you decrease tension.
Healthy Teeth – keeping your teeth healthy and free of infection and disease will help your body to stay healthy also. Infections eat the bodies immune system and cause illness. Keeping your teeth healthy by brushing and flossing everyday will eliminate infections and inflammation. Dollar stores always carry dental supplies so there is a low cost dental resource for you.
Get your sleep – Your body and mind need sleep. Resting your body allows your tissues and organs to replenish themselves. Drink lots of water and taking vitamins will help too. Resting in a comfortable bed that suits your body will help you get a more restful sleep. Use relaxing techniques to help yourself fall asleep peacefully.
Brain Health – Take your omegas. This tip should really be number one, it is so important to your health. Most people do not get enough fatty oils in their diet to help with brain health. The oils not only help your focus and brain connections, your hair, skin and nails will show major signs of health also. Keep your brain fed with good nutrition too. The foods we eat are not usually filled with all the nutrients we need on a daily basis. Also, our bodies do not naturally supply itself with omegas.

My Top 5 Vital Life-Saving Health Tips!

What would you like to see improved in your health?Go on, stay with me; take some time to consider this. What are the changes needed to make it happen? Maybe you’ll want to write something down..?To make those changes a simple, purposeful, systematic and dedicated approach is needed and must include 5 things. It could be said that they are the 5 best tips anyone could ever give when it comes to staying healthy. Not in any particular order, here are those top 5 vital life-saving health tips for optimum health vitality and disease prevention.1. Maintain a daily diet of 7 a day fruits and vegetablesI know I’m chanting the nutritional mantra here but anyone following this long term is sure to reap the benefits. It’s better to chose raw food because this food, when cooked, frozen or processed may lose nutritional value by losing its original molecular form (denatured) and not be able to take part in metabolism.2. Drink plenty of waterIf put on the spot I would say that this is the biggest health tip you could ever give!That’s because between the choices of so many different drinks these days: way too high sugar galore options like fizzy pops and smoothies, or mash-mallow coffees with 2 inches thick cream on top, energy boosters… etc., water seems like a bland option but when taken in plentiful quantities has a whole range of health benefits and serves as a prevention or remedy for so many illnesses.This includes; good skin, teeth and nails, healthy joints, nervous function, intestinal health, good kidney function, lowering high blood pressure, diabetes prevention, preventing mental disorders, for example it has been found that schizophrenics are severely dehydrated,… There are many ‘drought diseases’ brought on by a lack of daily drinking water.The amount to drink depends on the individual. Having said that, the ‘one size fits all’ recommendation has been to take the figure for half the number of pounds a person weighs converted to ounces. For example a 140 pound individual would take 70 fluid ounces a day.3. Carefully monitor your outlook on lifeThe world about you manifests as a consequence of ‘where you are at’ with life: Your attitude, thoughts, feelings, emotional state, in other words, outlook on life affects your health.By monitoring these things and making the necessary appropriate changes illness prevention/reversal or anti-ageing can result.Don’t underestimate this tip.4. Exercise regularlySo many people would greatly improve on their health if they just did 15-20 minutes exercise a day. Exercise pays off with so many dividends when it comes to health.Those benefits include: detoxification from sweating, feeling more alert, less weariness, improved cognitive function like increased intelligence, mood elevation, better sexual performance, disease prevention, weight control, sleep better and its activity through sports for example offers more fun in life!5. Avoid toxicityDon’t be fooled by the idea that all those toiletries, beauty products, aerosol sprays, lotions, environmental pollutants, contaminants and questionable food additives are only in tiny amounts so therefore won’t harm your health. The truth is when you put all those things together and add them up over time that’s not a tiny amount. Also toxic substances work together synergistically. Try avoiding them or get natural alternatives.Watch out for those junk food habits… Besides high levels of salt, sugar and low nutrition value junk food sometimes can remain undigested in the intestinal tract for ages. This undigested material allows gut micro organisms to feast! They produce gas from the feasting while indigestible material still remains, hence the reason for some people having middle age spread or bloated bellies formed from years of junk food habit.I hope that this article has inspired you too check out your health and take any necessary actions.